Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The virtual puppy dog…

OK, we are all familiar with the tactic known as the “puppy-dog sale”, which gives a prospect the ability to fall hopelessly in love with your offering, be it a puppy dog, or a Porsche. So much so, they never even consider relinquishing control of their newly-acquired trinket.

In this vein, we are offering you the ability to hook your prospects with a little puppy dog of your own - only this pooch will never get fleas… “Man’s best friend” takes the form of a free trial of
ReadyShow® Web and ReadyShow® Video. The process is simple… to request a trial account, click here and provide us with your clients’ contact information (you can even include a list of clients in this one request), and the service for which the trial is requested. We will have their trial account set up and in their hands in less than 24 hours.

This is a great way to offer value to your customer and quite possibly increase your revenue from your existing relationships. After all, who does not love puppy dogs?

For more information on ReadyShow® Web, ReadyShow® Video, or to set up a demo of either, contact us on 877-716-8255 or

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What can you get for $99?

How about 1000 participants on a conference? How about 1000 participants on a conference every day for a month?

It’s true. The Conference Group has introduced a 1000-seat user license with a suggested retail price of $99 per month. Conference hosts will enjoy all that ReadyShow® Web has to offer, including slide pushing, application sharing, chatting, polling, and even video streaming of the host… all for a flat monthly fee of $99 per month. Audio bridging charges are additional and options range from reservationless access to dedicated full-time operator assisted service, depending on the size of the event and level of support desired.

With this plan, your client would save just over $3,500 each month if they conducted 1 weekly, 60-minute, 100 participant conference and paid on a per minute basis, at a suggested retail price of $0.15 per minute. I did the math twice to make sure since the savings was so drastic…

If you have been looking for something to “go back to the well” with… this is it!

For more information on ReadyShow® Web, or to set up a demo of the service, contact us on 877-716-8255 or

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just Released: FREE Web Recording!

Effective immediately, the Conference Group has waived the fee associated with recording a ReadyShow® Web Conference. Your clients can continue to record their events, with the audio and visuals synchronized, download the Flash file immediately following the event, and host the file on their website within minutes. The only difference is that now this functionality is provided free of charge. Of course, the normal per minute fees (or flat rate subscription fees) still apply.

For more information on ReadyShow® Web, or to set up a demo of the service, contact us on 877-716-8255 or

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Celebrating Independence

My hat is off to you… members of our agent community for what you do every day as an “independent” agent. This independence results in a great deal of freedom, but not without consequence. As you are keenly aware, the price of your freedom is the responsibility to perform your duties consistently and to the best of your ability to ensure your livelihood is protected.

We are honored that, while exercising your independence, you have turned to the Conference Group as a trusted partner to help you achieve your financial goals. Thank you for your continued faith in our services and support.

Have a very happy and restful Independence Day!

By the way… keep an eye out for next week’s installment as we are announcing the elimination of a fee that is sure to result in incremental business for both of us!

For more information on the Conference Group, contact us on 877-716-8255 or