Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Video Conferencing Etiquette

Video Conferencing is a cost cutting tool for businesses. It's being used for remote workers, product demo's, HR seminars, tech support, Educational seminars, Telehealth and even now in law offices and court rooms. With that said, there are common mistakes that your business may be making.

Not prepared

Video conferencing requires more preparation then the average phone call. It's good to let your client know this will be a video call in order to make sure they have the proper equipment. For remote workers, businesses need to let them know this is the preferred method of communications. It becomes second nature.

Moving during the video

Being stable produces a clear, HD video experience. Any form of shaking is going to create a blurry image that may distract viewers from your message. If you are traveling, pull over and find a location that you can use your hand-held device. Same is true with a laptop

Bad lighting or setting

If you want to be the focus, you need to get rid of as many distractions as possible. You will want to be in a well-lit room with a solid background behind you. You also want to make sure you are not back lit. A common mistake is having a window behind you. Your viewers can see the outside, but you will show up as a dark figure.

Not using it enough

As said above, one you start using video conferencing, it become second nature. Once you are set up you will want to use video conferencing as much as possible. Many business spend unnecessary time and money on travel. On average, US business spend up to 384 billion dollars a year on travel. For remote workers, video conferencing allows them to still meet in person, but allows them to get right back to work, saving time, money and increasing productivity. For customer meetings, video conferencing allows you to get in front of the customer quicker without having to arrange for travel.

Relying on computer speakers and mic

For those of you that have done video conference with me, you know I am either on a head-set or ear buds. There are two reasons behind this. 1) it reduces feedback and 2) it reduces background noise allowing the speaker to be heard.
In closing, video conferencing does take more time and thought when it comes to planning, scheduling and technology, however once you get that down, it's a highly effective method of communication. If you are interested in learning more about our Together Talk product, you can find it here Together Talk Video.

You can also contact me at 302-530-1666 or

Tuesday, October 27, 2015



It could happen to you!!

Often times I come across mishaps in the telecom industry and have a “that’s standard operating procedures” or more of an “I’m not shocked” attitude. Why? I’ve spent 20 years in the industry and things happen. Lines get cut, hunt groups get disruptive, and FOC dates get moved. After moving over to conferencing, I tell everyone I am so “relaxed” that I just don’t have those problems. Conferencing works! You pick up a phone; you dial an 800 number and presto! I don’t get the Friday afternoon calls that were cut over a pizza xyz company and dropped two lines in the hunt group at 5 pm…. I’m not at the Clemson game on my cell because the problem still isn’t fixed. (Go TIGERS, 7-0 btw and yes, this is a true story). In Sales, I do everything I can to make sure problems don’t occur. In telecom sales I was taught how to “spin” the bad. It’s all been “normal” for me until the other day when it actually affected me.

I was on my way to ATL for our son’s huge “Scout Focus” basketball program.  Our son has a torn shoulder and taking steroids until the season is over. I kept trying to call the orthopedist for the steroids but all lines were busy. “Your call can’t be completed as dialed”. So finally at 3:00 pm, momma bear hopped in her car and drove an hour to the orthopedist to raise some heck. I get there and they are shut down. They’re normally open on Fridays so I did what any momma would do…. I found my way through their surgery center into the business office and found a Dr. Needless to say, he was rather surprised to see me. His first question was “how did you get in here”? A word of advice to you men, don’t ask a woman, especially a mom, how she does anything… Just know “we have our ways”.

I explained to him that I needed a hand written script right away.  He said that their entire VoIP (you know, that super duper thing we hear about in the cloud) system wasn’t operational and they had to shut down. They had no way of making calls and major conferences were canceled because the XYZ Hospital Group systems were down, etc. At the time, I really didn’t care what his problems were… I just knew what mine were and what I needed. I asked a simple question. “Do you not have an iPad or a cell phone?” He was like “well yes”.   I said, “Then call his doctor and find out what you need to get it done”. Net/net- I left with the prescription I needed.

Driving down the road I started thinking about the missed opportunity I had. So many times agents tell me that their client “ has conferencing”, it’s built into the phone system or it’s in the Cloud with their super duper SIP trunking system they put in. Needless to say, a call was made to the agent working on this opportunity and I stressed the importance again of “why” this particular orthopedist group NEEDED US. If they had our services, the major conferences wouldn’t have been canceled. Why?  Because we aren’t in his “XYZ Hospital Group system”… Any cell phone or land-line (which by the way, I always suggest you put a land-line in for this exact reasoning) can get you to an 800 number. Any iPad with Wi-Fi can get you to our video conferencing platform. So as agents I have to ask you, why do you put all your eggs in one basket? Think outside the box. Make sure you have redundancy built in, even with conferencing.

Caroline Rogers 302-530-1666

Monday, June 22, 2015

You asked for it…. It’s HERE!!!

Words can’t describe my partners and friends how excited I am to see this listed on our webpage! Most of you know we’ve been working on this fantastic product for a few years now and you all have been so patient with me!

Please visit

In the middle you will see a 30 day Together Talk Trial. Sign up! Use it for 30 days so that you know the ends and out of this fantastic product!! In setting up your clients, call me! I can help you set this up as it does get a little tricky. I want to make sure you, my awesome agent gets credit for the sale and of course, we need to go over pricing/commissions. Over the next few weeks, we will have all the marketing material out there for you to provide to your clients. Meanwhile, USE IT!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Connection Lost

Peeps, Geeks and Techies, we HAVE arrived!!

Did you see it?

Modern Family dedicated an entire show on what it is we do!  
RTC!  (Real time communications). In the Episode Connection Lost, Claire is at the airport and opens FaceTime to connect to her daughter.  From there, the comic value kicks in even with  the choppy connections like some may get in RTC. 

The entire hour long show was filmed using video chats and messages. For some, this may be a redflag in that the technology isn’t ready for life in real time, but I disagree.  With business class products like our MegaMeeting and Vidyo, we are ready for RTC! 

 Give me a call today to discuss how you can provide your clients with a trial run. 

Caroline Rogers 302-530-1666

Thursday, February 19, 2015

White Glove Services!

The Art of Channel Managers

 Recently I attended ITEXPO in Miami and the CVx expo. Peter Radizeski of RAD-INFO INC. did a seminar on The Art of Channel Managers. It’s always a great idea for us who have been doing this for a while to check ourselves and our temperature. Peter made an excellent point on how many of us do not talk about our “sweet spot”. Today, I’m going to do just that!

Why The Conference Group?

Outside of our 24x7 customer service (that is not outsourced, btw), the fact we pay commissions every two weeks, and we have an excellent support staff for our agents.. did you know that we are highly recommended and are LOVED by our clients who need that white glove touch? I’m talking about the high touched, executive operator assisted calls, or as we call them Event or Event Answered.

What types of clients need these services?

We are discovering that all industries and various businesses need these types of calls. Clients including large industrial, multi-locational businesses, banks, legal and oddly enough construction. When you are on your next appointment, grabbing info on their telecom bills, ask about conferencing. Make conferencing separate from their normal telecom, even ask if they are using any type of operator assisted conferences, you may be surprised!

For more information on these types of services, you can contact me.
Caroline Rogers 302-530-1666