Friday, December 12, 2014

To all our Partners at the Conference Group

I want to wish all of you a great Holiday season! As we wind down our year, I thought it would be great to have a little fun. How many of us dread conference calls or have a slight anxiety before the call starts that all is going to run smoothly? Earlier in the year, I found this clip and laughed. Throughout the year, I’ve watched it over and over, especially when I needed the laughs. I think we can all relate to this scenario.

Watch Here.

Eliminate Headaches

At the Conference Group, it’s our hopes that we can eliminate as many of these headaches as possible. Did you know that the Conference Group offers services such as Event and Event Answered? Both of these services allowed for a more formal, structured conference call. More of a white glove service that impresses larger groups or high profile clients. A dedicated operator will help place callers into the conference with ease.

Event Answered

For event answered, the operator can stay on the call, monitor the call for interruptions such as cell phone background noise, dogs barking, static, etc. Event Answered also allows for polling, roll call, Q&A session. Both Event and Event answered conference can place the meeting into lecture mode so only the leaders can speak, at any time. The dedicated leaders can remove lecture mode for questions. Got everyone on the call or are ready to start without interruption for late arrivals? You can lock the call.

For more information on these types of services, you can contact me.

Caroline Rogers 302-530-1666