Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Video Conferencing Etiquette

Video Conferencing is a cost cutting tool for businesses. It's being used for remote workers, product demo's, HR seminars, tech support, Educational seminars, Telehealth and even now in law offices and court rooms. With that said, there are common mistakes that your business may be making.

Not prepared

Video conferencing requires more preparation then the average phone call. It's good to let your client know this will be a video call in order to make sure they have the proper equipment. For remote workers, businesses need to let them know this is the preferred method of communications. It becomes second nature.

Moving during the video

Being stable produces a clear, HD video experience. Any form of shaking is going to create a blurry image that may distract viewers from your message. If you are traveling, pull over and find a location that you can use your hand-held device. Same is true with a laptop

Bad lighting or setting

If you want to be the focus, you need to get rid of as many distractions as possible. You will want to be in a well-lit room with a solid background behind you. You also want to make sure you are not back lit. A common mistake is having a window behind you. Your viewers can see the outside, but you will show up as a dark figure.

Not using it enough

As said above, one you start using video conferencing, it become second nature. Once you are set up you will want to use video conferencing as much as possible. Many business spend unnecessary time and money on travel. On average, US business spend up to 384 billion dollars a year on travel. For remote workers, video conferencing allows them to still meet in person, but allows them to get right back to work, saving time, money and increasing productivity. For customer meetings, video conferencing allows you to get in front of the customer quicker without having to arrange for travel.

Relying on computer speakers and mic

For those of you that have done video conference with me, you know I am either on a head-set or ear buds. There are two reasons behind this. 1) it reduces feedback and 2) it reduces background noise allowing the speaker to be heard.
In closing, video conferencing does take more time and thought when it comes to planning, scheduling and technology, however once you get that down, it's a highly effective method of communication. If you are interested in learning more about our Together Talk product, you can find it here Together Talk Video.

You can also contact me at 302-530-1666 or