Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Connection Lost

Peeps, Geeks and Techies, we HAVE arrived!!

Did you see it?

Modern Family dedicated an entire show on what it is we do!  
RTC!  (Real time communications). In the Episode Connection Lost, Claire is at the airport and opens FaceTime to connect to her daughter.  From there, the comic value kicks in even with  the choppy connections like some may get in RTC. 

The entire hour long show was filmed using video chats and messages. For some, this may be a redflag in that the technology isn’t ready for life in real time, but I disagree.  With business class products like our MegaMeeting and Vidyo, we are ready for RTC! 

 Give me a call today to discuss how you can provide your clients with a trial run. 

Caroline Rogers 302-530-1666