Monday, April 2, 2012

What Happens in Vegas Does Not Always Stay in Vegas...

The stage was set this year for a great show at CPEXPO and it did not over promise or under deliver!! Team TCG worked hard on creating a new display with awesome marketing that showed our agents and the channel just what we have to offer!

As with any trip to Vegas, you do have to come back with some stories, so I will keep this G-rated. It’s been two years since I’ve been out to Vegas and I was excited to see new faces along with all of my dear friends and business partners. Harry from NBC Solutions stopped by to say hello.  Harry’s company has had the opportunity to demo our Vidyo product and agrees that VIDYO really does ROCK! (Although, he was hoping to win our cherry apple red Fender guitar) The turn out this year seemed to be up from years before and excitement was definitely in the air! TCG’s booth stayed busy and of course, everyone enjoyed flirting with the “girls in the box” while offering them tasty beverages!

So, the one question you all want to know and I won’t delay it any further is, “WHO WON THE FENDER?”…. This story is a fun story- Mark Anderson from Complete Communications in Salt Lake City, Utah won….  But I loved the conversation I had with him just the day before. Mark doesn’t do conferencing and doesn’t have a conference provider in his portfolio. His exact words were “because it’s a pain” That is a common thought when you mention the word “Conferencing”. TCG makes conferencing easy - From our online card ordering form, to the emailed welcome letter with detailed instructions, user guides, web-based conference manager, 24x7 customer service, Outlook Plug-in invites, and simplified billing all completed in house! You will never get a contracted customer service agent at TCG. Now Mark, that can’t be a pain! :)

For those of you that were unable to attend; this Friday I will do a tutorial on VIDYO and how it’s going to take video conferencing to the next level!! Stay tuned………

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