Friday, January 21, 2011

Last Call to Vote!

Hello, All…

Today is the last day you can vote for Channel Executive of the Year. Exercise your right to vote! If you are so inclined, I would greatly appreciate the nod. If you feel that any of the others who are nominated (it is quite an impressive list of characters) deserve the recognition, please take just a moment to click here and tell your industry peers what you think.

Thanks, in advance, for taking time out of your Friday to tell us all whom you feel deserves this recognition.

Also, on Monday, March 14, we will be hosting a session on selling conferencing in Vegas. All are welcome! Information on this (and other) session(s) can be found here.

3 - 3:50 p.m.



Sponsored by: The Conference Group

Still trying to figure out how to actually make money selling conferencing? Join us for a lively and open discussion on how several master agencies have incorporated conferencing into their service offerings for their agents… and how this has translated into revenue for your peers. The panel also will include an agent who will share his successes and tell you exactly how to sell conferencing in today's market. If you have thought about conferencing but not yet pulled the trigger, or if you are selling conferencing but want to take your efforts to the next level, this is the one session you must attend. A panel of master agency executives will be on hand, with the session being moderated by Greg Plum, director of business development for the Conference Group.

Happy Friday!


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Conference Group Voted BEST Conferencing Provider for 2010 by Telecom Association Members

The Conference Group Voted BEST Conferencing Provider for 2010 by Telecom Association Members

“Members Choice” Award Showcases the Conference Group’s Ongoing Conferencing Leadership

LAKE ELSINORE, CA – January 14, 2011 – The Conference Group, a seasoned audio, web and video conferencing provider won the distinction of the best Conferencing provider in the industry by voting members of Telecom Association, a professional membership organization of over 3,800 telecom and technology consultants, agents, brokers and sales partners founded in 1996.

 Selection as the “Members Choice” Award winner showcases the Conference Group’s long term commitment to technology solutions that work in the Conferencing category as well as customer service excellence.

“Our association’s voting members are heavily experienced technology industry consultants and channel sales partners that have compared all the best and affordable vendors against one another before recommending one or two to their business clients who view them as trusted advisors”, stated Telecom Association’s Executive Director, Dan Baldwin. “They know which vendors to watch out for and which ones to recommend so having them select the Conference Group as the best means the Conference Group is both trusted and proven in the Conferencing category.”

It’s not by chance that the Conference Group won this category in 2010. While business end users are exacting in their Conferencing solution requirements, the independent sales partners and voting members of Telecom Association are even more so. “We are humbled and honored to be the recipient of this distinction for 2010. The agent channel has always been a critical piece of our business model. To be recognized as the agent’s top pick is proof that we are meeting or exceeding our agents’ expectations and helping them grow their businesses,” says Greg Plum, director of business development for the Conference Group.

ABOUT The Conference Group – Founded in 1999, the Conference Group is an award-winning full-service audio and web conferencing company located in Newark, DE. Focusing solely on collaboration solutions, the Conference Group has successfully developed a strong portfolio of satisfied clients in the US and abroad. For more information on the Conference Group, contact Greg Plum, director of business development, via email

ABOUT TELECOM ASSOCIATION – Founded in 1996, Telecom Association is a professional membership organization of 3,800 individual members and over 50 telecom and technology vendors that help businesses with their phone, voice, Internet and data network integration needs. For more information about Telecom Association, contact Dan Baldwin, executive director, via email

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Since YOU Voted The Conference Group 2010’s #1 Audioconferencing Company…

We can’t help but ask for your support one more time by clicking here and voting for yours truly as the Channel Executive of the Year for 2011. It could be said that the past couple of years’ polls resulting in my being named a finalist, but not the industry’s top pick, could have given me an “always a bridesmaid” complex, but NO! Being recognized for this honor by those whom I have helped with their respective businesses, even though this number may not total those achieved by some of my esteemed colleagues, is still one of the greatest rewards that can be earned in my role as the head of our agent channel.

So, if you have just a moment to give me the “thumb’s up”, click here and be heard. We are listening!

Thanks to all and here’s to a healthy, happy, and productive 2011! Greg